Save 50% Mint Fee Use Scroll Canvas Invite Code: YGFHX

Today, Scroll launches “Scroll Canvas”, a space where you can collect and showcase your achievements, status, and on-chain credentials from the Scroll ecosystem.

Mint Now:

Scroll Canvas Invite Code: YGFHX

The minting price is 0.001 ETH, but with an invite code, you can mint it for 50% off, just 0.0005 ETH. Mint your Scroll Badges to show your on-chain activities.

Use Scroll Canvas invite code: YGFHX

Scroll Canvas Invite Code: YGFHX

By engaging with various projects in the Scroll ecosystem, you can collect achievements in the form of Badges, Such as:

  • Scroll Origins NFT: Scroll Origins is a specially designed NFT program to celebrate alongside early developers building on Scroll within 60 days of Genesis Block (Before December 9, 2023 10:59PM GMT).
  • Ethereum Year Badge: Check out the Ethereum Year Badge! It’s like a digital trophy that shows off the year your wallet made its debut on Ethereum. It’s a little present from Scroll to celebrate all the cool stuff you’ve done in the Ethereum ecosystem.

About Scroll Canvas

Scroll Canvas is your unique space to display onchain credentials, status and achievements issued and collected across the Scroll ecosystem. As you interact with different Scroll projects and collect Badges, your story unfolds on Scroll Canvas. The onchain space is more than just tokens—it is also a piece of your social life and your reputation.

Through the integration with the Ethereum Attestation Service, every badge on your Scroll Canvas carries a seal of authenticity. Unlike NFTs, Badges are non-transferrable proofs of your unique traits and milestones that you’ve earned through participation, contributions, and accomplishments within the Scroll ecosystem. Verified, immutable, and intrinsically linked to your wallet, your Canvas becomes an authentic testament to your contribution to Scroll.

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